
Life Insurance

Comprehensive Life Insurance

Consider the following:

  • In the event of your death, what debts would be due from your estate? E.g. Mortgage, car loan, visa bills, overdraft.
  • In the event of your death, what income would your family need to maintain their current lifestyle?
  • If you become sick or have an accident and are unable to work for a specific period of months, even years, how will your lost earnings be replaced?
  • Life Insurances allow us to plan for the unexpected. Life Cover is a safety net designed to pay a predetermined lump sum in the event of your death, to allow your family to survive financially in your absence.

Serious illness cover is another important benefit that can be covered against. Serious Illness cover is designed to pay a lump sum on the diagnosis of certain life-threatening or debilitating (but not necessarily fatal) conditions such as a heart attack, stroke, cancer, multiple sclerosis and loss of limbs.

The illnesses covered under these policies differ between the various Life Insurance Companies and it is therefore important to seek independent advice.

Alternatively an Income Protection is a policy is designed to replace up to 75% of your salary, until you are able to return to work, or until retirement age if you do not return to work.

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